Forced to become a Girl on uk phone sex

I’m going to make you into a pretty girl for my amusement! I’ll start on your clothing, forcing you to wear my sheer fully fashioned stockings, tight short skirt, glamourous elbow length gloves and of course some sexy heels! Adorned with all my sparkling jewellery and wearing a blonde wig you’ll be my perfect doll! I’ll have to finish you off with lots and lots of make up, long false lashes thick pink glossy lipstick and long sexy nails, I’ll make you into my perfect pretty slut! Once my Enforced Feminization is complete, I will teach you to act feminine, how to talk, address your mistresses and serve them with respect! I’ll invite all my friends around to marvel at my new creation and they can tease and torment you at your expense! Sometimes she’ll get carried away and fuck you like a bitch, using her strapon to bang your arse like a pussy!

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